Reduction of traffic accidents—particularly fatal traffic accidents—has long been at the center of public debate and the ambition of state and federal policymakers. The 1960s proved a watershed decade for transformation of traffic safety. With traffic fatalities on the rise in the 1960s, spiking at 49,000 traffic fatalities in 1965,…
Articles Posted by Broussard, David & Moroux
Profile of J. Derek Aswell
Here is an interview with Broussard, David & Moroux attorney J. Derek Aswell with The Advertiser:
Federal Government Agrees to Settlement with Gulf-Polluting ATP Infrastructure Partners, LP
Operating in violation of both the Clean Water Act (CWA) and the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA), ATP Infrastructure Partners LP (ATP-IP) has agreed to pay a $1 million civil penalty to settle a federal lawsuit over illegal discharges of oil and chemicals from an oil platform in the…
Products Liability in Louisiana under the LPLA
As Halloween approaches, I’m reminded of a story I was told growing up–a story that has spread like wildfire and survived the ages. It’s the story of a young child, happily trick-or-treating in his neighborhood and too fixated on his chocolate, sugary boon to care about any potential for harm.…
The Gradual Expansion of Punitive Damages in Louisiana
“Sue early and sue often.” We hear this in society, in law schools, and among lawyers and laypeople alike when a loved one suffers injury at the hands of another. And rightfully so–the American legal system has always provided means for injured plaintiffs to recover for damages caused by wrongdoers.…
Broussard, David & Moroux Holds Grand Opening for New Location in Downtown Lafayette
LAFAYETTE – Broussard, David & Moroux Law Firm held a grand opening ceremony on Wednesday, October 15th, in honor of their recent move to a new location. Their new offices are located in the heart of downtown Lafayette on the corner of Jefferson Street and Vermilion Street in the historic…
Motorcycle Accident Results in Fatality
A motorcycle accident claimed the life of a Converse man in late September 2014. According to authorities, the victim was operating a 2003 Harley Davidson motorcycle, traveling south on US 171 when a Toyota Camry pulled into his path. Upon impact with the Toyota, the victim was ejected from his…
Levee Authority Files Suit, Alleges Oil and Gas Companies Contribute to Louisiana’s Diminishing Wetlands
On July 24, 2013, the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East (Authority) filed suit against 97 oil, gas, and pipeline companies for their alleged contribution to the continuing diminution of Louisiana’s wetlands. This historic lawsuit demands that these companies immediately restore damage to the wetlands, arguing that the Authority’s flood protection…
From Contributory Negligence to Comparative Fault: A Remedy for Negligent Plaintiffs in Louisiana
Picture this unlikely scenario: An intoxicated motorist is driving his vehicle at speeds well in excess of the speed limit (let’s say, he’s traveling at 100 mph in a 35 mph zone). As the unsafe motorist approaches a downtown intersection, a jay-walking pedestrian begins to cross the street when it…
BP’s “Gross Negligence” Under the Clean Water Act: A Deeper Look
Almost two weeks have passed since Judge Carl Barbier handed down his blistering opinion apportioning a majority of the fault to BP for the 2010 Gulf oil spill. As a follow-up to last week’s article, which detailed Judge Barbier’s ruling, we aim to dig deeper: Judge Barbier found that BP’s…