
Articles Posted by Broussard, David & Moroux


National Traffic Awareness Month: How Louisiana is Participating

National Traffic Awareness Month in August draws awareness to traffic safety, not only for those behind the wheel, but for those riding as passengers and pedestrians as well. This month is used to shed light on the safety rules that help prevent major and minor accidents. According to the National…


Negligence Claim Arises due to Contaminated Food Product

A Delaware couple filed a complaint on July 18 against Daily Harvest Inc., alleging negligence and other claims. Daniel and Lindsey Davis alleged the defendant’s French “Lentil & Leek Crumbles” caused Daniel to suffer from acute liver toxicity, causing abdominal pain, fevers, and chills. The plaintiffs further claim that Daily…


Blake David Named a Best Lawyer in America

Best Lawyers® is the leading peer-review-based guide for lawyers across America, recognizing professional excellence in 150 practice areas. Those nominated are submitted for consideration by their peers and are then vetted by the country’s top 5.3% of legal talent. Candidates are nominated by currently recognized lawyers of the same practice…


Blake David & Jerome Moroux to Speak at LAJ High Stakes on the High Seas Conference

On August 19, 2022, the Louisiana Association for Justice will be holding its annual High Stakes on the High Seas maritime law conference. High Stakes on the High Seas provides an opportunity for participants to discuss maritime law updates as well as network with members from all over the Gulf…


Jerome Moroux Teaches LSU Trial Advocacy

This week, partner Jerome Moroux had the opportunity to participate in the Trial Advocacy Program at the Paul M. Hebert Law Center at Louisiana State University. The Trial Advocacy Program provides 3rd-year LSU Law students with tactical skills for trial proceedings. The program utilizes a “learn by doing” education to…


Jury Awards Over $3 Million to Plaintiff in 18-Wheeler Accident

On February 14, 2018, plaintiff W.B. was severely injured when an 18-wheeler failed to check for on-coming traffic. At the time of the incident, plaintiff was working as an industrial scaffolder, to support himself and his family, and lived an active lifestyle. WB suffered the loss of his right, little…


Blake David’s outgoing “Letter from the President” – Louisiana Association for Justice

Musings of a Trial Lawyer Waiting For the Jury (August 2022) “As I type this note, my last submission as President of the LAJ, I am awaiting the response of eight jurors in the Western District of Louisiana. Their verdict will have to be unanimous. This venire and jury were…

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