Articles Posted in Bad Faith


The Hidden Dangers of Holiday Travel: How Accidents Lead to Catastrophic Injuries and Complex Personal Injury Cases

While most travel-related accidents may result in minor injuries, some can lead to catastrophic injuries that permanently change a person’s life. Catastrophic injuries typically involve severe, life-threatening harm to the body and can include: Spinal Cord Injuries: These injuries often lead to paralysis or loss of sensation and mobility below…


What is “Tort”? – Legal Word of the Month

At first glance, “tort” may sound like a strange word, but it is an essential term to understand in the legal space. In the legal realm, a “tort” refers to any wrong or injury imposed by one person or entity onto another. A tort is classified as a civil wrong…


Where We Stand: Louisiana Updated DWI Bill to Prevent Impaired Driving

Last Thursday, great strides were made in Louisiana towards preventing impaired drivers and ensuring better road safety in our area. Senate members unanimously approved a new bill requiring the use of ignition breathalyzers in vehicles for six months following a person’s first DWI conviction. The Interlock devices work by requiring…


Stay Safe as the Bons Temps Rouler

With the fun and exciting energy of Mardi Gras, there are far busier streets with large crowds of moving pedestrians and jam-packed traffic that can lead to terrible accidents if you are not well equipped to handle them. As experts in personal injury practice, we would like to offer our…


Beat the Clock: Louisiana Prescriptive Period for Personal Injury Cases

Personal injury cases arise in many different shapes, sizes, and kinds. Whether it be a small injury from a simple car accident or life-altering damage from a plane crash, negligence may be found and recovery necessary. But not matter the type of case, all claims have one thing in common:…


Louisiana Fishermen Fighting for Water Rights

The Louisiana Sportsmen Coalition is in a battle with the Louisiana oil industry over rights to use coastal marshwaters for their respective enterprises. Representatives of local fisherman argue that oil companies who own nearby lands have unjustly also claimed ownership of adjacent waters that flow in and out of manmade…


Oil company forced to sue own insurance company to recover losses awarded $40M jury verdict.

In the District Court of Harris County, Texas, a jury awarded over $40 million to owners of oil production facilities nearly 12 years after Hurricane Rita struck the Gulf Coast. The oil company plaintiff hired experienced trial lawyers to bring their claim before the civil justice system and hold their…

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