At first glance, “tort” may sound like a strange word, but it is an essential term to understand in the legal space. In the legal realm, a “tort” refers to any wrong or injury imposed by one person or entity onto another. A tort is classified as a civil wrong…
Articles Posted in Drunk Driver
Where We Stand: Louisiana Updated DWI Bill to Prevent Impaired Driving
Last Thursday, great strides were made in Louisiana towards preventing impaired drivers and ensuring better road safety in our area. Senate members unanimously approved a new bill requiring the use of ignition breathalyzers in vehicles for six months following a person’s first DWI conviction. The Interlock devices work by requiring…
Stay Safe as the Bons Temps Rouler
With the fun and exciting energy of Mardi Gras, there are far busier streets with large crowds of moving pedestrians and jam-packed traffic that can lead to terrible accidents if you are not well equipped to handle them. As experts in personal injury practice, we would like to offer our…
Our Guide to Safe Driving This Season
Our firm stands firmly as an advocate against impaired driving to keep our friends and family out of harm’s way. We are proud to have partnered with KLFY, a local news station, to bring safety tips to you as a reminder to be aware of your surroundings and keep help…
Things to Remember When Spending a Day on the Boat
Spring has officially sprung bringing warmer weather with it. These weather conditions encourage people to jump back into their beloved outdoor activities, especially boating. Whether it be a weekend trip to the lake or a spring break trip to the beach, it is important to keep in mind a few…
Teenager Hit by Propeller in 4th of July Boating Accident
On Monday, 17-year-old Madison Bradley was riding on a pontoon boat in Blind River, driven by 33-year-old David Crowe. Bradley, along with a male passenger, was standing on the front of the boat past the guard rails when they struck the wake of a nearby boat. They both fell overboard…
False River Boating Accident Leaves Three Children Injured
On Sunday, August 9, 2021, a party barge reportedly operated by a Lafayette resident hit a group of children on an inner tube on False River. The children ranged in age from 8 to 14. The boater(s) reportedly fled the scene of the accident. Investigators say that the driver of the boat…
What Comes Next – A Glimpse into The Post-Accident Legal Process
An average of 16,500 car accidents occur daily across the United States. In the blink of an eye, a rear-end car accident can completely turn one’s life upside down by causing life-altering injuries. Such an event can leave one lost as to what to do next, scared as to the…
Fort Polk Soldier Charged with Vehicular Homicide after Fatal Wreck in Vernon Parish
In November of 2017, Galvan Alejandro Jr. and William Rhodes were traveling in Vernon Parish, Louisiana when Alejandro, the driver, lost control of the vehicle, went off the road, struck a culvert, and hit several trees. Despite wearing a seatbelt, Rhodes, the passenger, was ejected from the vehicle and killed.…
Authorities Still Investigation Cause of Deadly Crash
A two-car collision in Baton Rouge last Saturday resulted in the death of a Memphis man and an injured local preacher. George Mabon and Reverend John Pitzer were passengers in a Mercedes when it was stuck at the intersection of South Acadian Thruway and North Boulevard. Authorities believe that a southbound Nissan ran the…