Defensive driving is a driving skill that allows you to protect yourself from possible accidents or collisions. Actions such as looking ahead, keeping your eyes moving, and more are just a few tips of defensive driving. Here are more defensive driving that you can follow to help keep you and others safe.
- Focus on your driving – don’t let your phone, radio, or children distract you from the road.
- Don’t speed – the faster you are traveling, the longer it takes to stop, and higher speeds can potentially cause a more dangerous collision.
- Adjust your driving based on weather conditions – if it’s raining, sleeting, or icy, be mindful of the road conditions and slow down.
- Use your signal– drivers can be unpredictable so use your blinkers to make your movements predictable to other drivers.
- Take a defensive driving course – defensive driving courses are offered to drivers of all ages, consider signing up for one in your area.
Remember to practice safe driving to help prevent accidents, collisions and can possibly save lives.
The attorneys at Broussard & David have the knowledge and experience necessary to handle cases of this nature and will fight to obtain fair compensation for your injuries. If you, or a loved one has suffered harm because of the fault of another, contact the attorneys at Broussard, David & Moroux to discuss your legal rights at (337) 233-2323 (local) or (888) 337-2323 (toll-free).