An 11 year old Houma boy tragically drowned in an apartment complex pool while swimming with other children. The boy was found unresponsive on the bottom of the pool and the Terrebonne Parish Coroner’s Office has ruled the death an accidental drowning.
Swimming pool safety should be an utmost concern to all owners and users of swimming pools, especially when children are swimming. Statistics list accidental drowning as the second leading cause of death among children each year. It is also common for children to suffer submersion-related injuries, slips and falls, and head and back injuries when playing around a swimming pool.
Broussard, David & Moroux offers compassionate representation for you and your family. Our attorneys are available to work with you and your family to hold all negligent actors accountable. If your child was seriously injured in a swimming pool accident, we will work to obtain fair compensation for your child and family, including medical expenses, the cost of rehabilitation and pain and suffering.
Call Broussard, David & Moroux at (888) 337-2323 (toll free) or (337) 233-2323 (local) for a free consultation.