Two Texas school buses crashed into each other in San Antonio Monday morning near the entrance of a Texas high school. One bus driver died in the accident, and five student passengers suffered injuries. The cause of the accident remains under investigation.
School bus crashes are uncommon. However, when these crashes occur, they all too often result in tragedy and loss of life. When bringing a personal injury claim after a school bus accident, a plaintiff must first determine fault. Many actors can contribute to a school bus accident, including a negligent bus driver and other careless drivers on the road.
If the bus driver’s negligence contributed to the cause of the accident, several parties may be held vicariously liable for a passenger’s injuries, including the company who owns and manages the buses. A school district may also be at fault if the district knew of the bus driver’s poor driving record and failed to take corrective action.
Although school bus crashes are rare, it is far more common for students to be injured while entering or exiting the bus. Many accidents occur when inattentive drivers strike passengers who are entering and existing the bus at bus stops.
If your child was injured while riding a school bus, an experienced lawyer can help you obtain fair compensation for your child’s injury. For questions, call Broussard, David & Moroux at 888-337-2323(toll-free) or 337-337-2323 (local).