
Tips to Keep You Safe this Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day weekend is the last chance many people have to vacation and travel before the fall. Whether traveling to the beach or enjoying a weekend by the pool, it is important to keep in mind some basic safety measures. Over this long weekend, Broussard, David & Moroux has a few tips to keep you and your family safe while having fun:

  1. If you are spending a weekend by the pool, remember to monitor children in and around the water and provide inexperienced swimmers with a floating device. Also, be mindful of water depth before diving.
  2. If you are spending the day outdoors in the heat, remember to drink plenty of fluids and wear sunscreen.
  3. If you are traveling in a car, remember to stay rested and alert, observe speed limits, buckle up, and never drink and drive.
  4. If you are taking a trip to the beach, remember the possibility of rip currents. If you are caught in a rip current, swim parallel to the shore until you are out of the current. Also, be mindful of warning flags for water conditions.
  5. If you are enjoying an old-fashioned barbecue, remember to always supervise the grill, keep the grill out in the open and away from the house, deck, or anything that can catch on fire, and never add charcoal starter fluid when coals have already been ignited.
  6. If you are spending the day on a boat, remember to carry safety equipment, like personal floating devices, an emergency kit, and a first aid kit. Also, remember the rules of the water and never drink and drive.
  7. If you are celebrating the weekend with fireworks, remember to only light one at a time, never allow young children to handle fireworks alone, and never engage in horseplay while fireworks are being set up or ignited.

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