Articles Posted in Auto Accidents

A fatal three-vehicle accident involving two tractor-trailer trucks claimed the life of a Walker woman and left her husband in critical condition. One of the 18-wheelers attempted to change lanes on I-12 late Tuesday night when it struck the Volkswagen convertible carrying the two victims. The collision with the truck sent the convertible into the path of a second 18-wheeler. The woman died at the scene of the accident and her husband was taken to Our Lady of the Lake Medical Center in critical condition. Neither of the two tractor-trailer truck drivers suffered injuries and an investigation of the crash is underway.

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A tanker truck flipped on its side and collided with an RTA bus carrying numerous passengers in Algiers, sending many to the hospital with injuries. The 18-wheeler swerved to avoid hitting the bus when it tipped on its side and collided with the driver’s side of the bus, pushing the bus into a taxicab. The truck quickly burst into flames, but the two truck occupants left the scene unharmed.

18-wheeler truck and bus accidents can be especially dangerous for motorists considering the size of those vehicles and the tremendous force exerted when they collide with smaller motor vehicles.

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A drunk driver in Gretna crashed through a homeowner’s bedroom before fleeing the scene in his vehicle and injuring a family of six, including four children, in a separate accident just a few moments later. The drunk driver’s blood alcohol content registered .317, nearly four times the legal limit. No one suffered harm as a result of the first accident, but all six family members involved in the second accident suffered injuries and were treated at a local hospital.

Drunk driving remains one of the leading causes of fatal motor vehicle accidents across the nation, and offenders face serious civil penalties for the damages caused by their impaired driving. If you or your loved one suffered harm as a result of a drunk driving accident, you should consult with an experienced attorney to learn about your legal rights.

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Lafayette recently ranked second in binge drinking in the state. The Lafayette binge drinking rate (binge drinking is defined as five drinks for a man and four drinks for a woman in a single sitting) was 21%. St. James Parish ranked first with a close rate of 25%.

Festivals, football, drive-thru daiquiri shops, a large college student population, a large concentration of offshore workers, and a strong European cultural influence are given as possible reasons for Acadiana’s high binge drinking rate.

Among physical consequences of binge drinking, other consequences such as DWI or an alcohol related motor vehicle accident can occur due to excessive alcohol consumption.

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The collision of two 18-wheelers between Exit 3 and Exit 5 of Interstate 20 in Shreveport leaves one driver dead. According to police, a rig carrying empty water bottles was rear-ended by another 18-wheeler. The second driver did not survive.

Accidents involving 18-wheelers can be especially catastrophic. The average 18-wheeler or tractor-trailer truck is 15 times heavier than the average passenger vehicle. This disparity in size and weight causes devastating injuries, including paralysis, brain trauma, broken bones and debilitating spine and back injuries. These injuries can be permanent, life altering and expensive to treat. If you or a family member suffered a serious injury in a truck accident, you should not hesitate to retain an experienced attorney who will fight for your rights.

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A bill prohibiting the use of social media sites while driving was passed by the Louisiana Senate Wednesday.

The bill by Senator Dale Erdey is designed to further prevent accidents caused by distracted drivers. Louisiana Law currently prohibits drivers from reading or sending text messages while driving. Senate Bill 147 seeks to add the use of Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites to the law.

If you or a loved one was injured in an accident in which a driver was text messaging, you may be able to recover. Contact Broussard, David & Moroux at (337) 233-2323 (local) or (888) 337-2323 (toll free) to find out what legal rights you may have.

A recently released report indicates that Lafayette’s “red-light camera” programs have reduced crashes across the city. The report monitored intersections for three years before the cameras were installed and then for three years after the installation of the cameras. By the end of the study, they found that the presence of traffic cameras reduced the number of crashes by 64 percent in the last three years.

Lafayette’s “red-light camera” programs have been controversial since their inception. Many critics have argued that traffic cameras would increase the number of rear-end collisions because drivers would be more likely to slam on their brakes in order to avoid a ticket and fine. However, according to the report, rear-end crashes were also reduced by approximately 80 percent. Overall, this study suggests that “red-light cameras” encourage Lafayette drivers to exercise greater caution at intersections.

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The Louisiana State Police reported thirteen fatal crashes in Louisiana over the Thanksgiving holiday week. The accidents tragically resulted in fourteen deaths. Two crashes were caused by driver impairment and one crash involved a motorcycle and a pedestrian.

Louisiana law takes a harsh stance on drunk driving. This past legislative session, state lawmakers passed six new laws giving officers several methods to test an individual suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. These laws also create harsher penalties for repeat offenders.

Despite the state’s recent crack down on drunk driving, driving under the influence remains a serious problem in the state, especially during the holidays. Impaired driving is a leading cause of fatal motor vehicle accidents in Louisiana. If your loved one was seriously injured or killed in a drunk driving accident, you should speak with a lawyer to learn about your legal rights.

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At least 140 vehicles collided on Interstate 10 in southeast Texas in thick fog Thanksgiving morning, killing two people and injuring more than 80. The two people who died were tragically crushed by an 18-wheeler in their SUV. Due to the dense fog, officers at the scene were initially unable to determine the magnitude of the massive accident.

In a multi-vehicle pileup, it may be difficult for an insurance company to ascertain fault and determine liability. Even in extreme weather conditions, drivers still have a duty to drive responsibly and exercise caution on the road. In large vehicle pileups, state laws and precedent often set the tone for assigning fault after the accident. An experienced personal injury attorney can assess the accident and give you an estimate of each party’s fault in the accident.

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Two Texas school buses crashed into each other in San Antonio Monday morning near the entrance of a Texas high school. One bus driver died in the accident, and five student passengers suffered injuries. The cause of the accident remains under investigation.

School bus crashes are uncommon. However, when these crashes occur, they all too often result in tragedy and loss of life. When bringing a personal injury claim after a school bus accident, a plaintiff must first determine fault. Many actors can contribute to a school bus accident, including a negligent bus driver and other careless drivers on the road.

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